Hey there. I’m Gino. I like taking photos of things, people, and places I experience, and I use Leica cameras and lenses because their simplicity and unique visual fingerprint resonates with me. I also write, and I’m constantly trying to get better about actually doing it. I grew up in Atlanta, but after journalism school at UGA, I worked in and in Silicon Valley as a product designer, and then a CEO for nearly 25 years in total.

These days I live in Colorado, and spend a lot of time riding bikes and doing other outdoor mountain stuff. I also help run Distance to Empty with my wife Starla. I was born with Fabry Disease, and as I write this in 2023, I’ve had a kidney transplant donated from a dear coworker in 2017, a stent placed in my heart that failed in 2019, and double bypass open-heart surgery in January 2020. I use these photos and words (and my private instagram account) to have a place to remind myself of how good my life has been, and all the places I’ve been fortunate enough to experience, despite the never-ending struggles of Fabry Disease. Perhaps you’ll enjoy looking at some of them.

Boulder County, Colorado, January 2023

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